Innovative dentistry
The most innovative medical dental treatments and the highest quality materials on the market applied to dentistry: Invisible Orthodontics, Prosthetics, Periodontics, Implantology and high-level Aesthetic Dentistry.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday
From 9am until 9pm
Find us
Calle Botánico Cavanilles, 20, Valencia
(in front of Viveros Gardens)
Telephone: 963 69 68 62
Clínica Llobell
Medical treatments
Advanced dentistry

Dental filling is performed using the technique of obturation. It consists of cleaning the cavity created by caries and filling it with resin to restore the original appearance of the tooth.

Bridges are normally used to cover the space where one or more teeth are missing. They are cemented to natural teeth or implants around the space left by the missing tooth.

A crown helps to cover a damaged tooth. It can be used to improve the appearance, shape or alignment of the tooth or placed over an implant to achieve the shape and functional structure of a tooth.

Fixed implant
If there are two or more missing teeth, we recommend to the patient the implant-supported fixed prosthesis in porcelain, for greater longevity of the dentition.

Implant prostheses
By means of four implants placed in the anterior part, we place a fixed porcelain prosthesis in the anterior part and removable without clasps in the posterior part, or completely fixed on implants.

Veneers modify the esthetic front of the teeth, using materials that perfectly mimic the shape and color of natural teeth.

Latest technologies in teeth whitening based on less aggressive treatments for the enamel, with which we get less tooth sensitivity and longer lasting effects.

Dental aesthetic surgery
Delicate procedures, performed with precision, but simple in their finish, that produce spectacular changes in the smile.

Dental hygiene
Most people will need periodontal treatment. There are very simple ones, with minimal intervention by the specialized dentist and others more extensive, with access surgeries and surgeries to correct esthetic defects.

Periodontal surgery
Treatment of the roots and tissues around the tooth by flap access. The purpose of these surgeries is to achieve a starting situation, from where the dentition can be maintained by the hygienists and by the patient at home.

Fixed appliances or transparent or metallic braces to achieve, in the shortest possible time, that the child or adult has perfectly positioned teeth.

Orthodontic treatment without braces. Performed with transparent splints that are changed according to the movements that are generated to correct the malpositions.
Dentists since 1934
Pioneers in implantology
Clínica Llobell has been performing dental implants since 1985, being one of the first clinics to do so in Spain, with more than 35 years of experience in this field.
Dental Services
Of total confidence
Clinica Llobell owns more than 10 cabinets for patient care equipped with the latest technologies applied to dentistry and surgical material of last generation.

Global diagnosis of bucodental problems

Monitoring and control of patient’s condition

Implantology with state-of-the-art materials
We adapt to your needs
We offer financing facilities so that you can pay for your treatments little by little.